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BMEDIC Hospital

Website template for an online hospital. There are 2 pages so far. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Error provident ipsam autem exercitationem quibusdam culpa blanditiis, repellendus enim minima maiores tempore voluptatem, aliquid maxime voluptatum!

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Telegram Clone

All functions in Telegram are also available in this application. Change the name, determine whether the user is online or not, change the theme animatedly (light and night), change color themes, etc. HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript technologies are used.

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Figma Plant

Website providing information about plants. Technologies used: HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eum, placeat?

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AliExpress Clone

A clone version of the AliExpress website. Technologies used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap & JavaScript. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eum, placeat?

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A website that provides information about home appliances. Technologies used: HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Eum, placeat?

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GitHub Users search

GitHub users search. You can find the information you need by simply typing in your username. This project uses React library and GitHub API.

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